• Modern

    network systems

    in the communication and power engineering sector

  • Design

    and 'turnkey'


Our company has been taking part in the process of dynamic development of Polish telecommunication and power networks for over thirty years. We are trying to be where new technologies and systems are implemented, which helps us to get more experiences. Thanks to that we will be able to take next challenges in the future. The dynamic development of solutions for the energy and telecommunication sectors in our country contributes to the fact that in order to meet market demands, we continually expand our range of services.

For Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE S.A.)

Modernisation of substation 220/6 kV Koksochemia

Expansion of the 220 kV switchgear of 400/220 kV Krajnik substation for FW BANIE terminal

110 kV line bay retrofitof SE Plewiska for a line connection Kromolice

Expansion and modernisation of 220/110 kV substation in Lubocza

The transfer of the Regional Power DispatchWarszawa to a building at ul. Mysia 2 in Warsaw – implementation of adaptation of premises and technical infrastructure, and the transfer of RPDWarszawa dispatch systems

For PGE Dystrybucja

Substation 110/15 kV Zamoście - rebuilding of 110 kV switchgear O/Łódź

Construction of 110/15 kV GPZ Chruślina O/Lublin station

Substation 110/6 kV Rzeszów EC - Construction of 15 kV switchgear O/Rzeszów

Modernisation and rebuilding of the110/15 kV substation Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki O/Warszawa

Construction works on the basis of the technical documentation for the modernisation of the 110/15 kV substation in Pomiechówek O/Warszawa

Modernisation of 110/15 kV substation in TomaszówPołudnie - comprehensive modernisation of 110 kV bays O/Zamość

Construction of110 kV switchgear in Skoczykłody O/ Łódź-Teren

Rebuilding of the telemechanics system of 110/15 kV substation in Kielce Północ O/Skarżysko-Kamienna

Modernisation of 15/15 kV switchgear in Zgierz ul. Dubois 1A O/Łódź-Miasto

Construction of 110 kV switchgear in Słupia O/ Łódź-Teren

Extension of HV/MV substation in Busko Zdrój O/Skarżysko-Kamienna

Modernisation of 110/15 kV substation in Karczew O/Warszawa

Detaled designing of rebuilding including the extension of HV/MV substation KZWM Kielce O/Skarżysko-Kamienna

Modernisation of 110kV switchgear in substation 400/110kV Trębaczew O/Łódź

For TAURON Dystrybucja

Reconstruction of 110 kV switchgear in R-101 Wrocław WALECZNYCH station

Construction of 20 kV SE Walenty (WLT) switchgear - Ruda Śląska O/Gliwice

Modernisation of the 110/15 kV substationin Bonarka - the extension of LV switching station in O/Kraków

The extension of SDH and PDH transmission system at O/Częstochowa

Construction of 110/15 kV substation in Brzesko O/Tarnów

Modernisation of 110/15 kV Skibówki substation in Zakopane - change of the substation circuit from H3 to H5 for O/Kraków

Modernisation of SE Bogucice telemechanics system O/Gliwice

Modernisation of telemechanicsat HV/MV substation in Gromadka O/Gliwice

Modernisation of 110 kV/MV switchgear in Kurów O/Tarnów

Modernisation of 110/15 kV transformer substation on Jordanów - change of the station circuit from H3 to H5 O/Kraków

Modernisation of 110 kV outdoor switchgear at Siersza power plant O/Elektrownia Siersza in Trzebina TAURON Wytwarzanie

Modernisation of 110/15kV substation Głubczyce including the development of technical and legal documentation O/Opole

Construction of 110/15 kV substation in RadomyślWielki along with connections to existing LV lines O/Tarnów

For ENEA Operator

Adjustment of HV, LV bays, and names of substation circuits of HV/LV in Bydgoszcz Osowa Góra to connect the biogas power plant in Wojnowo O/Bydgoszcz

The extension of 110 kV switchgear by a 110 kV transformer bay in HV/MV substation Śrem Helenki O/Poznań

For ENERGA Operator S.A.

Execution of construction and assembly of KV/MV substation Drwęca, container station building, modernisation of the 110 kV primary circuit – modules in the bays O/Toruń

Modernisation GPZ Płock Góry O/Płock

Reconstruction of 110/15 kV substation Bojanowo in order to enable development renewable energy O/Płock

For Stoen Operator

Modernisation of RSM Migdałowa substation

Modernisation of protections of 110 kV in RPZ Kaliszówka substation including the adjustment of meter circuits in HV/MV substation Mościska /Warszawa

For Siemens

Control and supervision system project as a task of 220/110 kV Substation Extension in Glinki

Control and supervision systemat MOKRE substation project

Control and supervision system at Leśniów substation

Control and supervision system project as a task of 400/110 kV Substation Building in Żydowo Kierzkowo

For other customers

Implementation of Control and supervision system Syndis in SE 400/110 kV Płock for MIKRONIKA Poznań

Communmication and Technical Protection System at 110/115 kV Gronowo substation for Elektrobudowa S.A. Konin
